Post by Rob JensenPost by Sharpe FanThe OC can be fun to watch, as much to laugh at as anything else. It is
hard to really care about the characters, since they are almost parodies.
That's why I predict a fairly quick burnout during Season 2 as
they exhaust the soap genre's limited arsenal of cliches. They'll
probably limp along to a season 3 unless they reinvent themselves
as a show that cares about more of its characters than just the
admittedly brilliant Seth, who is carrying the entire show on
his shoulders.
I agree with this.
Post by Rob JensenPost by Sharpe FanThe OC does have considerably more adult character involvement than DC ever
Problem is, its adults are less mature than the kids and,
with the exception of Peter Gallagher, totally unlikable. Seth's
mom is cloyingly bland, Julie Cooper is a bargain-basement
Alexis-Carrington-as-drawn-by-comics-artist-Dan-Brereton (The
Nocturnals, Giantkiller), Caleb has all the charisma of a wet
blanket and what's-her-name-the-mom's-sister seems to think
that looking cute is the same as acting. For all the *more*
adults that The OC has -- and I sort of disagree with that
anyway given that Joey's Creek had Mitch, Gail, Bessie,
Deputy Doug, (arguably) Gretchen (who Dawson should
have ended up with, IMO), to a lesser extent supporting
adults Tamara, Bhodi, Brooks, Danny, Prof. Wilder, various
Capeside High principals and the grandest adult of all, Grams.
The OC might have more adult lead characters than
Joey's Creek ever did, but even this far in episode-wise
(toward the mid-20's of 2nd season for the Creek, given
its abbreviated 1st season and The OC's extended 1st
season), the Creek's grown-ups were just plain more
memorable -- and more grown-up.
Grams. They did have thier own story lines, but the rest were seen rarely
and just as pasrt of the kids' story lines. That isn't bad, but it is
Post by Rob Jensen-- Rob
LORELAI: In the movie, only boy hobbits travel to Mount Doom, but that's only
because the girls went to do something even more dangerous.
GIRL: What?
LORELAI: Have you ever heard of a Brazilian Bikini Wax?