I was born in Indiana and we spell good.
In defense of Dan Quayle here are some facts about the incident.
He was making an appearance at a school and judged a spelling bee based on
cards given him by a teacher. Potato was misspelled "POTATOE". Put yourself
in his position, if you question the spelling on the card and are wrong you
like an idiot. The natural impulse is to go along with the card. After all
was said and done I never heard any criticism leveled at the teacher who
misspelled on the card. I'm guessing if the incident involved Al Gore I'm
sure pillars of the media such as CNN and The New York Times would make sure
these facts got out, blames Republican education policies or accused
Republicans of deliberately placing the misspelled card to embarrass Gore.
Post by Eric NewmanOn Sun, 11 Jan 2004 16:28:53 GMT, "Erich Wise"
Post by Erich WisePost by Dull PecleI remember Bill Cullen but I don't remember the show Hot Potato.
January 23, 1984 - June 29, 1984 on NBC Daytime.
In Indiana it was called "Hot Potatoe."